Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Can a gene providing health blessing or a curse disease? Apparently it is very possible depending on the genetic inheritance of the father or mother.

The team of researchers from Iceland joined in Iceland's Decode Genetics Inc. discovered the gene mutation in the five diseases that affect only if inherited from a particular parent.

A new gene associated with diabetes can protect a person from the disease, if inherited from the mother, but increases the risk if inherited from the father.

Three other genes diabetes varied effect though not too dependent on the origin of their parents genes. Researchers have reported these findings in the journal Nature.

"We can make this discovery because we are in a unique position, in order to distinguish between what is inherited from the mother and what he inherited from his father," said Kari Stefansson, Decode's Chief Executive Officer as quoted by Reuters on Thursday (17/12/2009) .

Researchers found a gene that would increase slightly the risk of breast cancer when inherited from the father but has no effect or may even protect when inherited from the mother.

A gene of skin cancer called basal-cell carcinoma of the slower growth was far more dangerous when inherited from the father.

Researchers also found a gene variation with type 2 diabetes (diabetes due to obesity or lifestyle), called single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) which experienced a change in the genetic code.

"The impact of variations in type-2 diabetes is not only big but also not unusual. If an individual inherits from his father the increased risk of diabetes variant could be more than 30 percent. If inherited from the maternal line of the risk variant is down more than 10 percent, "he explained.

In this study, researchers examined 38,167 people of Iceland, because they have inherited a unique gene that has little changed since the Vikings arrived in the country more than 1,000 years ago.

Every person has two copies of every gene, one from the father and one from the mother. A process called imprinting affects the current version of the gene for the growth and development

(Warning Signs)

  1. Obesity and overweight

  1. Lack of exercise

  1. Previously identified glucose intolerance

  1. Unhealthy diet

  1. Increasing age

  1. High blood pressure and high cholesterol

  1. A family history of diabetes

  1. History of gestational diabetes (A history of gestational diabetes)

Ethnicity - higher diabetes have been reported in Asian, Hispanic, Indigenous peoples (United States, Canada, Australia) and African-Americans.

According to the latest data released by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), diabetes now affects 285 million people around the world. Cost the least to reach U.S. $ 376 billion in 2010, or 11.6% of total health spending of the world. The next 344 million at risk of diabetes (pre-diabetes). If nothing is done to reverse the epidemic, the IDF predicts that by 2030, 435 million people will live with diabetes. Cost is projected to exceed U.S. $ 490 billion.
1.      Every 10 seconds someone dies of causes related to diabetes.
2.      Every 10 seconds two people develop diabetes.
3.      Every 30 seconds diabetes limb loss
4.      Each year, 7 million people develop diabetes
5.      Each year 4 million deaths caused by diabetes
6.      Diabetes is the fourth leading cause of global death by disease.

Usually diabetes organizations filled with blue lights activities, hiking, gymnastics diabetes, blood sugar checks for free and others.

The World Diabetes Day 14 November

The World Diabetes Day 14 November

November 14 is World Diabetes Day (World Diabetes Day).

World Diabetes Day theme 2009 - 2013 is
Diabetes Education and Prevention

Monday, 1 March 2010

Men With Diabetes Should Watch

Men with diabetes were more often unaware of the physical, emotional and sexual problems of his. This was revealed in research supported by the Association of People with Diabetes in America.

This non-profit advocacy institutions providing education focused on men with diabetes after conducting a survey kepda 1000 diabetic men. From the analysis found that men with diabetes who do not much considering the liver, kidney and other diseases.

"Men with diabetes a little more attention to the risk of eye and kidney disease, but they almost did not know about the emotional, sexual problems or quality of their lives." Said Vice President of the American Diabetes Association Richard Bergenstal, in an interview with Bloomberg.

In America there are 24 million people with diabetes, the body limp when they inject insulin to provide energy to the blood. Most of these patients is a disease Type 2 diabetes, which is generally acquired as an adult. This disease, a killer number seven in America. Diabetes also doubles the risk of depression, sleep disturbances, and his testosterone levels low which will increase the chances of impotence.

About kualiatas Diabetes sufferers live, which also Bergenstal Executive Director International Diabetes Center, says that one in three people with diabetes will experience a major depression. "And if depression is not handled properly then he can not set the pattern for a better life."



Diabetes Melitus (DM) adalah keadaan hyperglikemia (kadar -

gula darah tinggi) yang kronik disertai berbagai kelainan meta

bolik akibat gangguan hormonal.

Akibat gangguan hormonal tsb dapat

menimbulkan komplikasi pada mata se

perti katarak ,ginjal (nefropati) ,saraf

dan pembuluh darah.

Ada dua type DM ,yang pertama adalah

yang tergantung dengan insulin ,type ini biasanya disebabkan karena destruksi

dari sel beta langerhans akibat proses

auto imun.

Sedangkan type yang kedua adalah DM yang tidak tergantung

pada insulin akibat dari kegagalan relatif sel beta langerhans.

Gejalanya :

Biasanya akan terdapat gejala banyak buang air kecil ,terutama

pada malam hari ,sehingga penderita akan berulang kali bangun

sebelum pagi hanya untuk ke kamar kecil.

Selain itu juga akan merasa cepat lapar dan akan merasa lapar

lagi walau belum beberapa lama.

Merasa haus walau belum beberapa lama kamu minum .

Gejala lain yang sering juga dikeluhkan adalah sering kesemutan

gatal ,mata kabur sehingga cepat gati kacamata , disfungsi

ereksi ,gatal-gatal pada vulva vagina.

Banyak makan tapi badan menjadi kurus ,orang gemuk dengan

cepat menjadi kurus.

Pemeriksaan Penunjang ;

Biasanya Dokter akan mengaunjurkan pemeriksaan gula darah

puasa ,untuk menentukan kadar gula dalam darah

Gula darah puasa ,normal < 110 mg/dl

2 jam sesudah makan normal < 200 mg/dl

Bila nialai hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium lebih tinggi dari angka

normal ,maka ia dapat dinyatakan menderita DM.

Pengobatan :

Bila hasil laboratorium gula darah tidak terlalu jauh dari angka

normal , maka dokter akan menganjurkan diet rendah kalori

terlebih dahulu dan olah raga secara teratur.

Bila telah melakukan diet dan olah raga kadar gula darah masih

juga tinggi ,maka biasanya dokter akan memberikan obat

anti diabet atau OAD.

Obat-obat Diabet yang beredar dipasaran al : Daonil , Amaryl

Glucophage , Diamicron dsb.